Located in the northwest corner of Georgia, Talmo is a city in Jackson County. This small city is home to 295 people. The population of Talmo, GA grew 6.23% over the last decade. The city was first settled in 1840 by a Cherokee leader.
The name Talmo is thought to have come from a Creek Indian word that means “Home of the Chief Tallasee.” Talmo’s population is currently a mix of young adults and old. Talmo is located on the Middle Oconee River, which is drained by several tributaries. The city is home to a variety of outdoor attractions, including Minnehaha Falls, Sawnee Mountain Preserve, and Interactive Neighborhood for Kids. Next city
The most common types of employment in Talmo are Construction and Retail Trade. The median income for the city of Talmo, GA is $80,385. The median household income in the city of Talmo, GA grew by 6.47% between 2019 and 2020. The median household income in the city of Talmo, Georgia was $76,333 in 2019.
The average age of the people living in Talmo, GA is 37.8. The average commute time for Talmo, GA is 22.9 minutes. The average car ownership in Talmo, GA is 3. Cars are typically owned by individuals and families, and many individuals drive alone to work.
Talmo, GA has an unusually high number of Construction & Extraction Occupations. There are 24 people employed in these occupations in the city of Talmo, GA. There are also 12 people employed in the Education Instruction, & Library Occupations category. The highest paying occupations in Talmo, GA are Manufacturing and Total. The median earnings for Manufacturing workers in the city of Talmo, GA is $1,100.
The percentage of foreign-born residents in the city of Talmo, GA has been on the rise. The city has a 4.76% foreign-born population. This percentage is higher than the national average of 4.96%. The average age of the foreign-born residents in the city of Talmo, Georgia is 58.
The city of Talmo, GA has an overall cost of living index of 89.6. The cost of living index for the city of Talmo, Georgia is higher than the national average of 64.3. Talmo’s property crime rate is lower than the national average of 35.4. The property crime rate for the city of Talmo, GA has decreased over the last 10 years.
Talmo, GA has an overall poverty rate of 2.89%. In fact, 19.3% of the residents under the age of 18 are considered to be impoverished. The poverty rate for the city of Talmo, Georgia varies by family size. The Census Bureau uses a set of income thresholds to determine who is impoverished. People below the poverty level in the city of Talmo, GA are mostly white. However, Black and Native American people also make up a large percentage of the impoverished population. The impoverished rate for Talmo, GA is also lower than the national average of 3.78%. Click for more information
In terms of property taxes, Talmo, GA has higher property taxes than the national average. Talmo, GA households pay taxes in the $1,500 to $2k range. In terms of property appreciation, Talmo, GA has gained 1.28% between the years of 2019 and 2020. The average value of a home in the city of Talmo, GA in 2020 was $158,300.
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